Kevin Anantha
Frontend Engineer
I am a frontend engineer at eFishery to help sales team to improve their productivity. Currently, I delve and explore into user interface design while carefully considering the visual appeal, functionality, and user experience.
eFishery, Frontend Engineer
2023 - nowMekari - Talenta, Frontend Engineer
2021 - 2023Mekari - Platform, Fullstack Engineer
2019 - 2021UrRemote, Fullstack Engineer
2018 - 2019BlueLake Indonesia, Fullstack Engineer
2018 (3 months part-time)
Trading ExchangeTrading exchange web app built with Next.js, Tailwindcss, Websockets Binance API.
evestoryWedding invitation web app that allows users to create and share their wedding invitation with their guests.
GovestaLed and orchestrated the development team to create a seamless hotel check-in system, ensuring smooth and efficient operations for guests and staff alike.
Melange Radix IconsMelange bindings for Radix Icons.
Snake Reason GameA simple snake game built with ReasonML and ReasonReact.
eFishery AssignmentAssignment for eFishery recruitment process.
Trillo KanbanReal-time Kanban app built with Vue and Firebase.
DrumkitDrumkit app built with Javascript and HTML.
Tick Tack ToeTick Tack Toe game built with React.
Wedding Web TemplateA simple wedding template.
User Interfaces
GamesApp Store-like games page with animations.
ButtonsList of buttons with defferent states and animations.
Side NavSide navigation component built with Next.js, Tailwindcss and Framer Motion.
Horizontal-Vertical NavHorizontal-vertical navigation component built with Next.js, Tailwindcss and Framer Motion.
Animated TabsAnimated tabs component built with Remix, Tailwindcss and Framer Motion.
Elastic SliderElastic Slider component built with Next.js Radix UI and Framer Motion.